
4 -  5 June 2022



del montello


del montello




Copyright 2021 © 24hMontello 

Rules for solo cyclists and teams
1. All participants (competitors and crews) must obey the rules of the ultramarathon and they must obey road traffic regulations of Italy.
2. Cyclists must ride unmotorised standard (road, time-trial) bike, with reflective material (label, cat's eye). Bikes must have front and rear lights. Bikes will be checked before the start. During the event you can change the bike, but all the bikes have to be checked.
3. Night time is from 20:00 to 7:00 local time. At that time front (white) and rear (red) lights are mandatory. The lights must be on still mode. Failure to observe will result in disqualification, take enough spare batteries / accumulators. Additionally, bicycles must have the reflective materials on the frame (front fork and back fork) and on the wheels laterally. When visibility is poor, the event management can also demand to use the lighting during a day.

4. During the event helmets are mandatory for all cyclists. Everyone has to wear a hardshell certificated helmet, with strings closed. If organiser provide sponsor stickers for the helmet, you have to install it and wear it the entire event. Failure to follow these rules may result in disqualification.
5. Any (accident - Liability) Insurance is an obligation of the participant. The organizer declines any liability for damage / loss / theft on man and material. The participant confirms with their signature on the registration form, that they are insured in case of accident or illness in a sufficient amount and responsibility. By the same signature they also acknowledge and agree to all provisions and contents of these regulations.
6. Handlebar extensions or time trial handlebars are permitted. Disc wheels as well as wheels with a minimum number of "three" spokes per wheel are allowed. Recumbents or other vehicles are prohibited! When in doubt, the technical director decides. He will be deciding on case to case bases according to the aspects of securing the general safety.
7. Sponsor advertising on the cyclist jersey is allowed. An additional attachment of sponsor advertising of the official sponsor is obligatory, if so decided by the organizer. 8. The lap control is carried out electronically. Each cyclist will receive a chip for electronic time recording, which is to be attached by the instruction of the timekeeper. The chips will be provided for rental and a deposit has to be paid in the amount determined by the provider. The deposit will be returned upon return of the chip. If the chip is lost, the deposit stays with the provider.
9. The participants have to follow all traffic regulations, as the circuit is not closed for traffic. They are responsible for their own and the safety of others. In case of dangerous riding, putting yourself or others in danger because of tiredness or sleep deprivation, event director will stop you and put you to 30 minute rest.
10. The escort vehicles and private vehicles of other type for roadside assistance are prohibited, except at the marked feed-zone area and with notice to technical director. The foreign aid during the event is not permitted. It is forbidden to take food/bottles during the event from the cyclist without starting number, from motorcycles or cars, except from organisers vehicle. A food handoff from other registered cyclist with starting number is allowed.
Cyclists must stand at least 100m.  away from each other on the flat  and downhill and at least 50 m.  uphill.  It is absolutely forbidden to run paired and / or together Slipstreaming behind motorized and non-motorized vehicles of all kinds is prohibited and it is prohibited also any shortening of the route, under penalty of disqualification.
12. In case of taking the wrong turn, cyclist must return to the track route at the sam place where he/she left the route. That kind of mistake must be reported immediately to the timekeeper, stating the starting number, the location and the time of leaving the route. This can be done by the cyclist himself, or the team spokesman.
13. During the event as many breaks are allowed, for all cyclists, as needed. The passage through the start/finish area and thus triggering the timekeeping is only permitted for cyclsts which are not resting.
14. At the end, only completely ridden laps will count. The solos / teams may finish the lap they started at least 1 second before the event time finishes (5h 59 min 59 sec 11h 59min 59sec and 23h 59min 59sec). For record attempts by individual riders and teams a motorcycle escort may be done to determine the effective mileage. In laps and kilometers-tie, the order of finish is valid.
15. In extremely bad weather or unforeseen events, the event director may decide to shorten the event or discontinue. The entry fee can not be refunded in this case. Likewise, there will be no cost substitute for non-existent services by the organizer.
16. Cyclists or teams that give up the ultramarathon early on, have to notify the event organizer as soon as possible (returning the starting number and chip).
17. It is forbidden to write anything on the roads. Any costs because of this offence will be billed to the cyclist or the team. The authorities will handle the prosecution of this offence.
18. The starting numbers will be assigned for every participant (solo or team). Each cyclist has to put the number on the bike according to instructions by the organizer, to be clearly visible to the officials /organizers. Cyclist who's number will not be visible, will be disqualified from the event. This also applies in case of bad weather.
19. The speed limit of 25km/h in the Start/Finish straight will be strictly enforced, as well as no overtaking allowed. The penalty for violating those rules will be: warning for the first offence and every next offence will erase 5km from the racer's final mileage achieved in 6, 12 or 24 hours.
20. Passing the food and drinks to solo racers is allowed in the designated space from the Finish Line to the first turn, and only the right side of the road, the racer who wants to be handed food/drinks/whatever, has to ride on the right side of the track. The solo racers who don't need anything and team racers who don't do the exchange during this lap have to stay on the left side of the track. In case that a racer decreases his/her speed for the handout, the others may pass him only on the left side. Self-supported racers have to stop in their box to take their food/drinks.
21. Team is a group of 4 cyclists. There will be mens, women’s and mixed teams. In mixed team has to be at least one female cyclist.
22. The team is only allowed one cyclist on the road at once. A cyclist can be changed according to team plan, but the change must take place in the transition area. The change must be performed gibving the gps tracker. The event  management reserves the right of provision for this rule - even during the event – but has to inform the teams in a timely manner of the change. The cyclist who
starts the lap has to also finish it completely. Lap sharing among several cyclists is not allowed and will result in immediate disqualification !!!!!
23. Protests against a decision of the Event Director or against the other participants or a team is possible for a fee of 70, - Euro. The deposit in the event of positive solutions to complaints is reimbursed. The protest may be introduced by the cyclist himself, or by the team spokesperson during racing phase and until 1 hour after the finish, before the ceremony. The payment of the fee has to be made immediately and in cash, against receipts.
24. Each participant receives a certificate about his / her performance. First three finishers get a trophy. All participants will get a medal.
25. The awarding of prizes to records, the fastest laps, fair-play or exceptional performance, is decided by the event director together with the organising committee. This is presented either before the event, or during or after the event, when sufficient reasons exist.
26. The objective of this event is to bring performance and ultra cycling closer to a wider public. Financial aspects are in the background. The ratio price /  erformance is to be balanced, any cash surplus will be used for other sporting event.

General rules
Since it is impossible to foresee everything in advance in general regulations special cases are to  be decided case by case by the event organizers. There are warnings, time penalties, fines and disqualifications. In a case of immediate disqualification from the event, there is no compensation of any kind.
Safety, sportsmanship and fair-play are the general values, expected both by cyclist and by their companions, but also by the event management. The respective cyclist or team captain is also responsible for the behaviors of his companions. Even the misconduct of the companion can lead to disqualification of the event participant.

RAAM Qualifying

579,363 Km (17,29 giri), per gli uomini

539,130 Km (16,09 giri), per le donne

I Team da 2 elementi in poi non hanno obbligo di nessun chilometraggio per iscriversi alla RAAM.



Verrà pubblicato il programma definitivo in prossimità della gara.



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